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英语阅读理解中关于作者的态度的词汇有哪些? factual

发布时间:2023-09-18 20:26:30编辑:温柔的背包来源:





1. Positive expressing approval or support characterized by or showing such characteristics as affirmation, acceptance or confirmation. Favorable: Very favorable or advantageous; Supporting: Providing support or assistance; Optimistic: expecting the best things in all possible worlds; Agree with: like good things or people's feelings;二、 expressing negation or opposition or criticism

Negative; Negative; Negative; Characterized by or exhibiting denial, denial, opposition, or resistance; negative. No positive features; Dissent: the act of expressing strong opposition or protest. Objection: the act of opposing something you disapprove or disagree with; Characterized by discovering and drawing attention to mistakes and defects;三、 means neutral and objective

Fair and impartial: Showing impartiality; Neutral: having no personal preference; Having nothing to do with or not responding to individuals; Based on facts: the facts are objective: they are not distorted by emotions or personal prejudices; Based on observable phenomena;四、 Suspicious, suspicious: Suspected of misconduct.

Suspicious, inaccurate, or suspicious: Suspicious or suspicious; Confused, baffled: not clear about understanding;五、 means unknown unknown (unknown): unknown; Uncertainty: lacking or indicating a lack of confidence or assurance; Lacking interest, concern, or feeling; unconcerned.
