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二十四种B型状示意图,二十四种人格是哪二十四种? 女性二十四种b型图真人图

发布时间:2023-04-05 03:58:21编辑:温柔的背包来源:







Curiosity (interest, curiosity, open experience): takingeniousness experiences saforitsowsake; Exploration and discovery 2 curiosity (interest, looking for new things, style experience): interested in continuous experience and its internal causes; Explore and discover an open mind (judgment, critical thinking): think and examine from all aspects; Measure all the evidence fairly. Open-minded (judgment, sexual thinking): think about things through all-round tests; Weigh all the grounds fairly.

Love learning: mastering new skills, topics and knowledge, whether ordinary or unusual: mastering new skills, topics and knowledge ontology, whether voluntary or formal, demanding Perspective: being able to provide innovative advice others; Hnwaysflookingathworlddtatmakesensetooneselfandtootherpeople 5 insight (wisdom): able to make wise suggestions to others; Can focus on the world that is meaningful to yourself and others.

Valor: Do not escape threats, challenges, difficulties or pains; Activonconvictionseventifinfpopular.6 Courage: not afraid of threats, challenges, difficulties or pains; Follow the enlightenment, regardless of whether it is generally recognized and adhered to (perseverance, not firm): Finishing What OneStartSpersistinginacous of Action Insidiofobstacles. 7 Persistence (perseverance, hard work): doing things from beginning to end; Stick to the direction of behavior, regardless of obstacles.

Integrity (authenticity, honesty): presentingone Selfineguineway; Take responsibility for personal feelings and actions 8 integrity (reliability, honesty): self-expression; Being responsible for one's feelings and actions (zest, enthusiasm, vitality, energy): Approaching Lifewithexitement Energy; Feel lively and energetic (enthusiasm, enthusiasm, courage and energy): make life full and energetic; Feel active and lively.

Love: Cherish the intimate relationship with others, especially those that are shared and shared in return. Love: Cherish the intimate relationship with others, especially those kindness (generosity, nurturing, caring, sympathy, selfless love,"kindness") that share and take care of each other. Kindness (generosity, care, care, sympathy, selfless love,"beautiful things") that do good for others.

Social intelligence (emotional intelligence, personality intelligence): Know others' and their own emotional intelligence (emotional intelligence, personal intelligence): Know others' and their own goals and feel citizenship (social responsibility, loyalty, teamwork): Workingwelmemberofagrouporteam is loyal to the team (responsibility, loyalty, teamwork): Work hard as a member of a group or team; Loyalty to the collective.

Fairness: treat all people equally; 14. Don't let individuals feel that prejudice determines the fairness of others: treat all people equally according to the concepts of fairness and justice; Don't let personal feelings mislead the judgment and leadership ability of others: encourage the ability of a group composed of members: promote the collective, so that individuals can accomplish things as members and maintain good collective relations at the same time.

Forgiveness and kindness: forgive those who have done wrong; Accept criticism from others; Give people a second chance; Forgiveness and kindness: forgive those who have done wrong; Accept the shortcomings of others; Give others a second chance; Humility without revenge: let a person's achievements speak for themselves; Notregardingneselfasmoreespecialthanoneis.17 Modesty/modesty: let people's achievements speak; Not arrogant.

Caution: be careful with your studies; NottakingguneriskSnotsayingordingthingthattmrightcorrected.18 Caution: Be careful about your choice; Don't take undue risks; If you don't say it, you won't do something you regret afterwards. 10. Self-regulation (self-control): Regulatingwhatonefeelsanddoes abides by discipline; Self-discipline (self-control): manage your feelings and behaviors; Be disciplined; Control your desires and emotions.

Appreciate beauty and Excellence (awe, surprise, sublime): Appreciate beautiful, excellent and/or skillful performances; Appreciate beauty and Excellence (awe, admiration, progress): Appreciate beauty, Excellence and/or skillful performance in different fields of life; Be grateful; Takingtimetoexpressthanks.21 Thank you for being grateful: knowing and thanking the good things that happened; Express your thanks a lot.

Hope (optimism, foresight, and future-oriented): look forward to the future and strive to achieve your goals. Hope (optimism, planning for the future, and orientation for the future): have the best prospect for the future and strive to realize it. Humorous (playful): Likingtolaughandtease brings smiles to others; See sunny side 23 humor (love to play): like to laugh, like to laugh; Bring laughter to others; Look on the bright side of things.

Spirituality (religion, belief and purpose): human beings believe in higher purpose, the meaning of life and the meaning of the universe. Spirituality (keeping promise and pursuing): there is a higher pursuit, the meaning of life and the meaning of the universe. Is it too much to form a butterfly shape?

