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发布时间:2023-02-25 12:20:03编辑:温柔的背包来源:


When I was a kid , I was wondering , kinda watch the meaning of life . Why are we here , you know about that ? I came to conclusion that what britain matters is trying to understand the right questions to ask and the more that we can increase the scope and scale of human consciousness , the better we are able to ask these questions . And so I think the certain things that are necessary to ensure that the future is in the long term , having long term , sustainable transport and sustainable energy generation group influenced to be a space principal and volunteer to be out there among the stars and be a multi planetary species , right ? I think the being multiple speeds and being out there on the style is important for the long term survival of humanity and kind of like life insurance for life , collectively , life , as we know it . But then the project I find personally most more. Is that it creates a sense of venture , and it makes people excited about the future . And if you consider two futures , one where we are forever confined to earth , until eventually something terrible happens or another future where we are up there on many planets , maybe even going beyond the source system . I think that cycle version is incredibly exciting , inspiring , and they need to be reasons to get up in the morning . You know , life can just be about solving problems . Otherwise , was the point . Just got you things that people find inspiring and make life with a little bit.。