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蚩的反义词? ignorant

发布时间:2023-03-21 21:40:19编辑:温柔的背包来源:




二、Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated.....怎么翻译?



没有反义词。Chi ch和<名字>(1)(音。从昆虫的声音中。本义:蚊蚋)(2)同本义【一种教派】蚊蚋,蚊蚋也。—— 《说文》 (3)一只传说中的【海洋巨兽】。如:尾部(也就是尾巴)。古老屋顶上的鱼尾摆件);亲(传说中的妖怪名字)(4)姓。如:蚩尤

蚩尤只是发动了叛乱。—— 《书吕刑》 。马注:“九里君名于底。”据报刊记载,郑注:“蚩尤一统天下,被黄帝伐者学蚩尤,九黎王也是被黄帝从涿鹿俘获者。词类变化Chi chand(1)痴呆、愚蠢【忽视;愚蠢]愚蠢。—— 《释名》宗室没有毒刺。—— 《后汉书刘盆子传》再举个例子:迟俊(笨笨的);固执(愚钝平庸);臭人(傻子);琦琦傻(傻傻傻)

(2)通过“吆".丑;丑【丑】谁知道分辨它的美。—— 《后汉书张壹传》再举个例子:闫妍(丑的漂亮。童眼);不要注:“侮辱。”再比如:侮辱(侮辱;霸凌);取笑它(侮辱它)(2)传“嗤之以鼻”。嘲笑[冷笑]大笑。—— 《西京赋》改天再邀我,羞辱我。—— 《苍颉篇》终于摆脱了,虽然接近学习但不接吻。——阮籍《三国志吕蒙传》常用词组笨拙。


二、Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated.....怎么翻译?


This is a sk. Although we have entered the old age, although our faith in what many ancestors believed in has kened, we have the same confidence in the curative effect of this bottle of medicine as them. It is not only those ignorant and uneducated people who are so convinced of medicine bottles.


The noun of ignorance is ignorance, the verb is ignorance, and the adverb is ignorance. The sentence of ignorance is as follows:

Worryingly, many people are ignorant of the fact of global warming. Many people don't know the fact that the earth is warming, which is really worrying. It is this ignorant person who regards MarxismLeninism as a religious dogma. Those who regard MarxismLeninism as a religious dogma are such ignorant people. 3. A small insect tried to shake a big tree, but ridiculously didn't know its own weakness. Mayflies shake trees, which is ridiculous.

Later, people used the idiom"neither knowledge nor skills"to describe ignorance and incompetence. The idiom"no learning, no skill"means no learning and no skill. Ignorant people won't look beyond your face, they are not worth your time. Those ignorant people who judge a book by its cover are not worth your time. 6. Ignorant people don't look beyond your face. They are not worth your time. Those ignorant people who judge a book by its cover are not worth your time.
