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ie浏览器打不开了怎么修复 ie启动不了如何修复

发布时间:2023-11-06 16:39:40编辑:温柔的背包来源:







1.单击开始菜单在搜索框中输入“regedit”按键盘的enter键:2。导航到\HKEY根\IE。HTTP\shell,双击打开右侧的[(默认)],设置默认值为null 点击【确定】:3 .根据前两步设置以下注册表项。

3.1. Set \ HKEY _ class _ root \IE. The default value of HTTP\shell\open\command is' c: \ program files \ Internet Explorer \ iexplore.exe'-nohome' (for 64-bit systems, it is set to \% program files(x86)% \ Internet explorer \IExplore.exe-nohome') (excluding the outermost double quotation marks) is of type REG_SZ 3.2 setting \ HKEY _ class _ root \ ie. The default value of HTTP\shell\open\ddeexec is' %1'-1,0,' (excluding the outermost double quotation marks) is registered _ extension _SZ.

3.3. Set \ HKEY _ class _ root \IE. The default value of http \ shell \ open \ ddeexec \ application is IExplore' (excluding the outermost double quotation marks) and the type is REG_SZ 3.4 setting \ HKEY _ class _ root \IE. The default value of HTTP\shell\open\ddeexec\Topic is' WWW_OpenURL' (excluding the outermost double quotation marks) and the type is registration _SZ.

3.5. Set the default value of \HKEY class root \http\shell\open\command to% programfile% \ Internet Explorer \ iexplore.exe-nohome' (for 64-bit systems, it is set to \% program files(x86)% \ Internet explorer \ iexplore.exe-nohome') (excluding the outermost double quotation marks) is set as REG_SZ 3.6 \ HKEY _ class _ root \http\shell\open\ddeexec. The default value is'% 1'-1, 0,' (excluding the outermost double quotation marks).

3.7.set \ HKEY _ class _ root \ http \ shell \ open \ DDE exec \ application。默认值为' IExplore '(不包括最外面的双引号),类型为REG_SZ 3.8。Set \ HKEY _类_根\ http \ shell \ open \ DDE exec \ Topic的默认值是' WWW_OpenURL '(不包括最外面的双引号)。REG_SZ ie浏览器的类型打不开。修复方案四:降低cookie的隐私级别,打开ie浏览器点击【工具】【互联网选项】。


解决方案6:重置ie(注意:如果您使用网络代理或对您的浏览器有特殊设置,请在操作前保存设置)。打开IE 点击工具互联网选项点击高级点击重置勾选删除个性化设置点击确定确定:IE无法打开。

1.打开电脑管理器选择软件管理点击软件仓库进入‘Internet Explorer’开始搜索点击修复(IE8以下版本可直接点击下载):2 .安装时选择【我不想马上参加(O)】点击【下一步(N)】

