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发布时间:2023-07-11 12:55:19编辑:温柔的背包来源:



号黑客发音:英语[HK (r)]美式[HKR];定义:电脑黑客,企图非法入侵他人电脑系统的人。n .(黑客的名字;(英)哈克。新技术应该为黑客提供一个安全的防火墙。新技术应该提供一个安全可靠的防火墙来抵御黑客。据说黑客制造了一种计算机病毒。据说黑客已经开始传播一种新的计算机病毒。

Then, hackers sell the data to the second group of criminals who are active in the dark corner of the network. Hackers then sold the data to the second group of criminals who lived in the dark corner of the network. Hackers don't always need advanced technology to get people's passwords. Hackers don't always need high technology to steal passwords. The hacker designed a computer virus that is difficult to manage. The computer hacker designed a virus that is difficult to deal with.
