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ganda是什么意思 熊果酸含量测定

发布时间:2023-10-17 02:16:28编辑:温柔的背包来源:






4. Objective To establish a HPLC method for the determination of ursolic acid in Ganda tablets. Objective To establish a method for the determination of ursolic acid in Ganda tablets by high-pressure liquid chromatography. 5. Conclusion The method is accurate, reliable, simple and accurate, and can be used for the quality control of Ganda tablets. Conclusion The method is accurate, reliable, simple and accurate, and can be used for quality control of Ganda tablets. 6. Pearl in Africa, Pearl in Africa, Uganda

7. Diallo said that there are about 1,500 fighters in Gandakoy. Derio said there were about 1,500 soldiers in Gandakoy. 8. Governor Luo Huining launched the project at a groundbreaking ceremony for the new communities in Trangu and Ganda villages. Luo Huining, governor of Qinghai Province, announced at the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of new communities in Changu and Ganda villages that the reconstruction of Yushu officially kicked off.
